An Akron SEO expert could be what’s necessary for your Akron, Ohio business to thrive, transforming your success from so-so, to superb! Keep reading to learn how.
Akron – Ohio’s fifth-largest city – is located in the beautiful Great Lakes region, close to Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River, which runs through the legendary Cuyahoga Valley National Park, allowing residents and visitors to experience natural splendor a conveniently short drive away from the city’s bustling urban core.
Downtown Akron is home to broad range of businesses – from large, nationally-recognized corporations, to small, independent and local operations – resulting in a diverse workforce of over 30,000 employees, whose occupations range from the artistic (jewelry, painting and crafts), to the practical (engineering and architecture), to the financial and administrative (banking and government). The city boasts a cost of living almost ten percent lower than the national average, as well a high rate of employment, making Akron a great place to do business.
How can an Akron SEO Expert Give You the Competitive Edge?
1. By providing your business with search engine visibility.
Imagine this: you open a shop on a town’s main street. There’s not a lot of competition, and in the beginning, things are great – customers know where to find you, and there are only a few other stores on the road, giving you – who’s put a lot of work into your business – the lion’s share of profits.
As time passes, the town’s little main street becomes busier. Traffic increases, people rush by, and more stores appear. Billboards go up,
distracting potential customers. Your storefront windows are covered in dust, and you feel crowded out by the competition. Your sales plummet.
That fictitious scenario is actually good analogy of what happens when a business loses their search engine rankings. When you’re one of the only shops to be found on Main Street, USA – which is to say, high up on the first page of Google, Yahoo! and Bing – things are good! But everyone wants that coveted first-page position, and the further from it you are, the fewer online visitors – and customers – you receive.
An Akron SEO expert can help your business appear where it belongs – on the first page of the SERPs (search engine results pages) – and keep it there, even when your competition tries to move in and crowd you out.
2. By helping your customers find what they’re looking for.
Way back when, before the Internet existed, businesses advertised in newspapers, magazines, telephone books and other forms of print media. However, doing so meant either contending with the constraints of category-based ad placement, or having to stand out amidst a sea of other advertisements.
Search engines changed all that. Today, virtually any query will yield results – and that can pose a challenge to business owners. For example, consider the following phrases:
“Akron flower shop”; “buy flowers in Akron”; “Akron flower store”; “Akron floral”; “buy bouquet in Akron”
All are worded differently – yet one can assume that they all mean the same thing: that someone wants find a store in Akron from which to purchase flowers. Understanding that people look for products and services using a variety of search terms – and thoroughly researching, analyzing and selecting the most valuable of those terms – allows an Akron SEO expert to optimize your website’s content through keyword research, ensuring that no matter which words your customers use, they’ll be able to find you.
3. By creating content that keeps visitors interested.
Want your website to stand out? Fill it with great content! Sure, video has exploded in popularity – but for attracting visitors, communicating messages, compelling the purchase of your products or services, or providing your customers with helpful information, well-written, easily-readable content remains your best choice.
Correct spelling, good grammar, appropriate punctuation, and the clear communication of your desired message are key facets of an effective content marketing strategy. In fact, failing to take a quality-driven approach to content creation can hurt your business: many website visitors do not use companies whose websites or marketing materials contain obvious spelling mistakes or grammatical errors!
Great content keeps your visitors interested. It builds trust, it shows that you’re an excellent communicator – and it compels people to do business with you! The hands-on aspects of running a business require a considerable expenditure of time and energy. That’s why turning to an Akron search engine optimization company that provides high-quality content is a smart move – it gives you a good return on your investment, without diminishing your capacity to perform other crucial tasks.
4. By spreading the word.
Seventy eight percent of Americans have a social media account. Let that sink in – over three quarters of the country’s population uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. – or some combination thereof. And social media now accounts for over thirty percent of website traffic – a number that’s sure to rise.
Although organic (search engine) traffic still drives the majority of website visitors, social media is a force to reckoned with, and a tool your business can’t afford to ignore. Most social media platforms allow instant user-to-user communication – and people are more likely to trust the recommendations of family and friends over those of an anonymous source.
An Akron SEO expert can go beyond search engine optimization, designing and implementing a social media marketing strategy that allows you to reach your target audience through a variety of social platforms, building trust and brand awareness. Likes and Retweets aren’t just good for your self-confidence; they help you grow your bottom line!
5. By creating an optimized, profit-making website.
Any business owner knows that their “brick and mortar” location – a store, showroom, or other publically accessible venue – has to make a great first impression. Dirty floors, messy shelves, disorganized merchandise and bad lighting put people off, discouraging return visits, and hurting sales.
Your website is no different. Just as bad grammar, poor spelling and unreadable content repel visitors, so too do unsightly themes, hard-to-find menus and confusing layouts, resulting in lost customers and missed sales. A good website is pleasing to the eye, easily-navigable and logically arranged. It needn’t be fancy and complex – what’s most important is that it clearly communicates who you are, what your business does, and where it’s located – and in a manner which appeals to your customers.
An Akron website design company can help you create an attractive, easy-to-use, keyword-optimized and responsive (mobile-ready) website that draws in visitors, builds trust and confidence, and turns those visitors into repeat customers.
With so many businesses vying for attention, the only sensible approach to take is one that’s comprehensive, multi-tiered, and masterfully executed by an expert like Danny Todd, The Akron SEO Expert. His ten years of search engine optimization experience have made him the go-to, full-service SEO source for Akron-area business owners just like you. Contact Danny TODAY! – call (216) 214-5216, or visit ∼
The Cleveland SEO Guy, Danny Todd says 'It’s not what you sell; it’s how you sell it. He understands that sometimes the best brands get left behind because their web design and SEO has become outdated. The Internet is always changing! Google and the other search engines are always adapting! Keep your brand current and reach Google’s #1 spot.

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We offer professional SEO services that help websites increase their organic search score drastically in order to compete for the highest rankings even when it comes to highly competitive keywords.
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